Old Age Homes & Parents

It takes 9 months of utmost care, pain, love, emotions and above all immense mental and physical sacrifice to bring you into this world by your parents. It takes another 2 years of sacrifice and patience to help you stand and observe the world around you. Yet another 10 years of grinding love and care to help you walk, talk and make you more self-sufficient to be able to understand and acknowledge things on your own. As you get into the adolescence stage a mother and a father gives their heart and soul in your upbringing, not just emotionally but also financially. And finally as you enter the psychological and culturally defined stages of Adulthood, parents stand behind you as your guiding force, ensuring that you achieve the best that is possible. Parent’s contribution in a child’s life is unquantifiable. The struggle and the sacrifice that they go through in making you who you are, is a testimony to the fact that they are next to GODS if not more for all of us.

Then comes a stage in your life when you meet your life-partner and very conveniently things begin to change from there on. Now that you are mature enough to take your own decisions, your priorities in life begins to change. You get attracted to the worldly pleasures of life on the sad and abject price of your parents and your family. You systematically start distancing yourself from your parents, on the pretext that they are now old and not fashionable enough to understand you and your aspirations. And finally under the influence of your wife, you decide to get rid of them by either deserting them or at best getting them into an Old Age Home. An extremely cowardly act and an extremely unfortunate situation in which the children refuse to stand the sight of their ailing parents, leaving them to wither away in extreme emotional and psychological pain. Abandoning or leaving your own parents for whatever justification that you might have is the biggest criminal act that one could have committed in his lifetime.

Money, lust, materialistic possessions and a futile and imaginary sense of power and pleasure drive these individuals. Such people possess narcissist personalities, where things start and end at themselves. They have inflated egos and nothing comes between them and their wants and needs. Then comes the next stage of life, when these people themselves experience parenthood. Unfortunately children of such parents have a troubled childhood, they are looked down upon by the society, they have an inferior sense of complex. These children do not really flourish and bloom like the other children who are blessed to be with family. Children of such parents have serious shortcomings which come to the fore at some stage of their lives, sooner or later. It is difficult for such parents to raise their children well, who themselves have personality and psychological issues. Whatever amount of love and effection they might show, children of such parents are never at peace. This is how it begins to shape their personalities making them into lesser individuals than they could have been.

My question to the society thus stems from the fact that parents who gave up everything in raising you, why is it that today you feel ashamed and sorry to stand for them in their final days of life. Why is it that you need to send them to Old-Age homes or let them wither in pain. Why is it that you do not even care to check on them. Respect your parents, today they are old and tomorrow you will be.


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