Fear Nothing
Fear is a state of mind that originates from your own insecurities developed and nurtured in a mind that is fragile enough to be tormented and ostracized by illusions that are created by your own vindictive mind and not the reality. Our mind and our soul are two aspects of our physical and mental existence and it is extremely important that they co-exist in a harmony that cannot be disturbed or threatened by an external source. Fear is our response to an external source that wants us to be fragile and weak for an outcome that never would really exist, until we allow it to be. The way we respond to problems, or a situation presumed to be a threat, is what really determines the outcome. Our integrity and our morality must determine and reinforce the fact that any situation in life is not strong enough to shake or distress our soul and our mind, however agonizing the prospect of the situation might appear to be in the first place.
The mastery of your own mind and ultimately your soul is the biggest gift that you can present yourself, with a moment of gratitude for everything that you have been offered in life along with a sense of calm and tranquility that nothing is forever and every creation big or small, will someday leave their souls to be with GOD. Thus, fear, trauma, agitation, anxiety, worry are emotions that lead us to live a lesser, more worrisome and miserable life as compared to someone who acknowledges these emotions but tends to disregard them for a joyous and more prosperous and fulfilling life. Fear has different connotations and given the form and shape it has, you react according to that. Fear of loosing someone can be equally painful if not more that the fear of loosing your own life. It is thus extremely important to understand and realise that fear never had or will have answers to our problems, it is how we react to those situations that will help us overcome fear and give us the strength to acknowledge and act with grace in whatever situation or circumstances life has to offer us.
Fear no man, as no man has the power and tenacity to ostracize and harm you, until you have done something that your conscience dosent approve of and your spirituality dosent consent. It is upto us how we respond to offenders of humanity, whose moral existence has come to a point where they themselves are ashamed of their worthless existence, leading them to commit crime and inflict pain and discomfort to people around them. Your fear is what would give them the strength to continue their despicable and demeaning outrage on you. It is upto you to let go of them without fear, for your own peace and well-being and to ensure that you are above hate and bigotry. Become the master of your soul and fear nothing, life will be a lot more joyous !